Summer Wrap-Up...Fall is Here!
Laura reporting: Though quiet lately in blogland, there have been plenty of goings on within Transition Town on! Kids Gardening This summer we held our second annual Kids Garden Contest and volunteers led by Dave Clift set up about ten gardens for kids and their families. We’re awaiting survey results on how the growing season went for these kiddos; look for survey results and delightful pictures in an upcoming blog report! Food Hub Task Force This is a town-ordained offshoot of TTJ, and after a first meeting in late spring, we’ve been meeting monthly, talking about all things food/growing/farming related in Jericho. In August, we tabled at a Jericho Farmer’s Market, taking a survey to find out Jericho residents’ thoughts on buying and consuming local food. This survey is ongoing; check out the Food Hub Initiative page on this website to fill one out! Our task force personnel has since evolved from the original group, but continues to attract enthusiastic supporters and organizers. Our first project is underway; getting a community dinner going that will in some form or fashion feature our local farmers and their amazing produce; we’ll keep you posted! Extra Row Now in its third year, this program provides volunteers to help farmers who grow food for donation. In late August, we organized a crew to pick yellow beans at the Barber Farm fields of Charlie Siegchrist. He delivered the six or so bushels to the Vermont Youth Conservation Corps which distributes csa shares to families in need all over Vermont. And early this morning about a dozen folks showed up to glean winter squash at the Bolton fields of Tucker Andrews. The many pounds of squash gathered will be distributed to food pantries in Jericho, Williston, Burlington and Essex. Tree Celebration Edible Landscape’s Ann Gnagey and Tom Baribault are hosting a Tree Celebration at the Jericho Town Library on this last day of September, which includes children’s art and poetry around trees as well as education on how to maintain tree health on our town green and beyond. Watch for an upcoming blog report on this great event! Resiliency Presentations TTJ remains true to its mission of educating our community on issues related to resiliency. Reed Sims will host our *October talk: Composting at Home - the Good, the Bad and the Beautiful. As Reed puts it “This will cover the joy, the science, the soil and garden benefits, and integrating composting into the family routine. There will be hands-on participation, recipe guidelines, and mature compost results to touch and smell. We’ll discuss compost’s role in preparing gardens for overwintering, and what to do if your compost appears to have failed. Bring all of your questions and share lessons learned by experience” *Check out the October Events Calendar for the where and when of TTJ and other community events! Comments are closed.
January 2025
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